
geoffGeoff Byrne is the Principal Consultant at Niboi Consulting. He has over 35 years’ professional experience and works in the fields of environmental auditing, risk assessment, liability assessment, environmental management, corporate reporting, systems and performance auditing; and strategic advice. Geoff is an auditor accredited by the Victorian Environment Protection Authority, pursuant
to the Victorian Environment Protection Act (1970) in the three categories of Natural Resources,
Industrial Facilities and Contaminated Land. He has previously held positions as Partner and Global Mining Director with Environmental Resources Management and as a Vice President of URS Corp.
+61 432 751 104



Natalie Nunn is an Environmental Consultant with Niboi Consulting. She has seven years’
experience in environmental auditing and   consulting, environmental management, contaminated
land investigation/management, covering projects in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia,
Queensland and Tasmania. Natalie has previously held positions as an Environmental Scientist
with URS Corp and Noel Arnold & Associates.
+61 401 732 416